Helping Women Succeed
The Tangible Tools book series equips women with the tools needed to excel and succeed in the workplace. With over twenty years working up the corporate ladder of Home Depot, Anne Tipper uses her experience to provide women hands on tools to overcome obstacles, navigate political waters, position themselves for success, and be the most effective at positive upward mobility.
Anne also provides one-on-one coaching, mentoring, business consulting, workshops and webinars.

Moving Up
Actions Steps for Career Success
Together, we create step-by-step strategies based on the unique demands of the business: forging a path to accomplish the vision and success. We focus on the greatest current needs with the highest return on investment (ROI) creating time, efficiency, and leverage of the top and bottom line. The way is then clear for short, medium, and long term actions - focusing on the highest ROI. Feel better about your business, carry less stress, and watch your business grow.
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